En Quad |
Em Quad |
En Space |
Em Space |
Three-per-em Space |
Four-per-em Space |
Six-per-em Space |
Figure Space |
Punctuation Space |
Thin Space |
Hair Space |
Zero Width Space |
Zero Width Non-joiner |
Zero Width Joiner |
Left-to-right Mark |
Right-to-left Mark |
Hyphen |
Non-breaking Hyphen |
Figure Dash |
En Dash |
Em Dash |
Horizontal Bar |
Double Vertical Line |
Double Low Line |
Left Single Quotation Mark |
Right Single Quotation Mark |
Single Low-9 Quotation Mark |
Single High-reversed-9 Quotation Mark |
Left Double Quotation Mark |
Right Double Quotation Mark |
Double Low-9 Quotation Mark |
Double High-reversed-9 Quotation Mark |
Dagger |
Double Dagger |
Bullet |
Triangular Bullet |
One Dot Leader |
Two Dot Leader |
Horizontal Ellipsis |
Hyphenation Point |
Line Separator |
Paragraph Separator |
Left-to-right Embedding |
Right-to-left Embedding |
Pop Directional Formatting |
Left-to-right Override |
Right-to-left Override |
Narrow No-break Space |
Per Mille Sign |
Per Ten Thousand Sign |
Prime |
Double Prime |
Triple Prime |
Reversed Prime |
Reversed Double Prime |
Reversed Triple Prime |
Caret |
Single Left-pointing Angle Quotation Mark |
Single Right-pointing Angle Quotation Mark |
Reference Mark |
Double Exclamation Mark |
Interrobang |
Overline |
Undertie |
Character Tie |
Caret Insertion Point |
Asterism |
Hyphen Bullet |
Fraction Slash |
Left Square Bracket With Quill |
Right Square Bracket With Quill |
Double Question Mark |
Question Exclamation Mark |
Exclamation Question Mark |
Tironian Sign Et |
Reversed Pilcrow Sign |
Black Leftwards Bullet |
Black Rightwards Bullet |
Low Asterisk |
Reversed Semicolon |
Close Up |
Two Asterisks Aligned Vertically |
Commercial Minus Sign |
Swung Dash |
Inverted Undertie |
Flower Punctuation Mark |
Three Dot Punctuation |
Quadruple Prime |
Four Dot Punctuation |
Five Dot Punctuation |
Two Dot Punctuation |
Four Dot Mark |
Dotted Cross |
Tricolon |
Vertical Four Dots |
Medium Mathematical Space |
Word Joiner |
Function Application |
Invisible Times |
Invisible Separator |
Invisible Plus |
Left-to-right Isolate |
Right-to-left Isolate |
First Strong Isolate |
Pop Directional Isolate |
Inhibit Symmetric Swapping |
Activate Symmetric Swapping |
Inhibit Arabic Form Shaping |
Activate Arabic Form Shaping |
National Digit Shapes |
Nominal Digit Shapes |
Superscript Zero |
Superscript Latin Small Letter I |
Reserved Character |
Reserved Character |
Superscript Four |
Superscript Five |
Superscript Six |
Superscript Seven |
Superscript Eight |
Superscript Nine |
Superscript Plus Sign |
Superscript Minus |
Superscript Equals Sign |
Superscript Left Parenthesis |
Superscript Right Parenthesis |
Superscript Latin Small Letter N |
Subscript Zero |
Subscript One |
Subscript Two |
Subscript Three |
Subscript Four |
Subscript Five |
Subscript Six |
Subscript Seven |
Subscript Eight |
Subscript Nine |
Subscript Plus Sign |
Subscript Minus |
Subscript Equals Sign |
Subscript Left Parenthesis |
Subscript Right Parenthesis |
Latin Subscript Small Letter A |
Latin Subscript Small Letter E |
Latin Subscript Small Letter O |
Latin Subscript Small Letter X |
Latin Subscript Small Letter Schwa |
Latin Subscript Small Letter H |
Latin Subscript Small Letter K |
Latin Subscript Small Letter L |
Latin Subscript Small Letter M |
Latin Subscript Small Letter N |
Latin Subscript Small Letter P |
Latin Subscript Small Letter S |
Latin Subscript Small Letter T |
Euro-currency Sign |
Colon Sign |
Cruzeiro Sign |
French Franc Sign |
Lira Sign |
Mill Sign |
Naira Sign |
Peseta Sign |
Rupee Sign |
Won Sign |
New Sheqel Sign |
Dong Sign |
Euro Sign |
Kip Sign |
Tugrik Sign |
Drachma Sign |
German Penny Sign |
Peso Sign |
Guarani Sign |
Austral Sign |
Hryvnia Sign |
Cedi Sign |
Livre Tournois Sign |
Spesmilo Sign |
Tenge Sign |
Indian Rupee Sign |
Turkish Lira Sign |
Nordic Mark Sign |
Manat Sign |
Ruble Sign |
Lari Sign |
Bitcoin Sign |
Som Sign |
Combining Left Harpoon Above |
Combining Right Harpoon Above |
Combining Long Vertical Line Overlay |
Combining Short Vertical Line Overlay |
Combining Anticlockwise Arrow Above |
Combining Clockwise Arrow Above |
Combining Left Arrow Above |
Combining Right Arrow Above |
Combining Ring Overlay |
Combining Clockwise Ring Overlay |
Combining Anticlockwise Ring Overlay |
Combining Three Dots Above |
Combining Four Dots Above |
Combining Enclosing Circle |
Combining Enclosing Square |
Combining Enclosing Diamond |
Combining Enclosing Circle Backslash |
Combining Left Right Arrow Above |
Combining Enclosing Screen |
Combining Enclosing Keycap |
Combining Enclosing Upward Pointing Triangle |
Combining Reverse Solidus Overlay |
Combining Double Vertical Stroke Overlay |
Combining Annuity Symbol |
Combining Triple Underdot |
Combining Wide Bridge Above |
Combining Leftwards Arrow Overlay |
Combining Long Double Solidus Overlay |
Combining Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards |
Combining Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards |
Combining Left Arrow Below |
Combining Right Arrow Below |
Combining Asterisk Above |
Codepoint (hexadecimal) コードポイント 【16進法】 Punto de código (hexadecimal) Kennzahlpunkt (hexadezimal) Point de code (hexadécimal) Punto di codice (esadecimale) Σημείο κώδικα (δεκαεξαδικό) (16 진법) 코드 포인트 Пункт Кодего (шестнадцатеричный) (Het hexadecimale) Punt van de code 碼點 (十六進制) mã điểm (thập lục phân) |
Codepoint (decimal) コードポイント 【デシマル】 Punto de código (decimal) Kennzahlpunkt (dezimal) Point de code (décimal) Punto di codice (decimale) Σημείο κώδικα (δεκαδικός) (십진법) 코드 포인트 Пункт Кодего (десятично) (decimaal) Punt van de code 碼點 (小數) mã điểm (thập phân) |
Shift-JIS (hexadecimal) シフト-JIS 【16進法】 S-JIS (hexadecimal) S-JIS (hexadezimal) S-JIS (hexadécimal) S-JIS (esadecimale) S-JIS (δεκαεξαδικό) (16 진법) S-JIS S-JIS (шестнадцатеричный) (Het hexadecimale) S-JIS S-JIS (十六進制) Shift-JIS (thập lục phân) |
UTF8 (hexadecimal) UTF8 【16進法】 UTF8 (hexadecimal) UTF8 (hexadezimal) UTF8 (hexadécimal) UTF8 (esadecimale) UTF8 (δεκαεξαδικό) (16 진법) UTF8 UTF8 (шестнадцатеричный) (Het hexadecimale) UTF8 UTF8 (十六進制) UTF8 (thập lục phân) |
UTF8 Character String UTF8 ストリング UTF8 Caracteres UTF8 Buchstaben UTF8 Caractères UTF8 Caratteri UTF8 Χαρακτήρες UTF8 특성 UTF8 Характеры UTF8 Karakters UTF8 字符 UTF8 một chuỗi nhân vật |
Description (English) 英説明 Descripción (Inglés) Beschreibung (Englisch) Description (Anglais) Descrizione (Inglese) Περιγραφή (Αγγλικά) (영어) 묘사 Описание (Английско) (Engels) Beschrijving 描述 (英語) sự mô tả (tiếng Anh) |
Definition (English) 英定義 Definición (Inglés) Definition (Englisch) Définition (Anglais) Definizione (Inglese) Καθορισμός (Αγγλικά) (영어) 정의 Определение (Английско) (Engels) Definitie 定義 (英語) định nghĩa (tiếng Anh) |
Pronunciation (English) 英発音 Pronunciación (Inglés) Aussprache (Englisch) Prononciation (Anglais) Pronuncia (Inglese) Προφορά (Αγγλικά) (영어) 발음 Выговор (Английско) (Engels) Uitspraak 發音 (英語) phát âm (tiếng Anh) |
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Glyph Entry Key: "Top-level" is the first Hex digit of the desired chunk. "Next-level" is the second Hex digit. "Last-level" is the third. Put "00" after that and you have the starting point in Hex; e.g.: 1C800 through 1C8FF if Top, Next, and Last are 1, C, and 8. Characters in RED have been combined with another character because they're combining forms. |
Unicode Hex UTF-8 Hex Shift-JIS Hex Decimal Code X |
Top-level: |
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Next-level: |
| |||||||||||||||||
Last-level: |
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Block Nav: |
Character block(s) on this page:
General Punctuation (0x02000-0x0206F) Superscripts and Subscripts (0x02070-0x0209F) Currency Symbols (0x020A0-0x020CF) Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols (0x020D0-0x020FF)
Click on a character to copy it to the Unisearch Clipboard.
Click a character's Hex Codepoint (top row) to see its details.
Printer-Friendly Version
02000 E28080 None   |
02001 E28081 None   |
02002 E28082 None   |
02003 E28083 None   |
02004 E28084 None   |
02005 E28085 None   |
02006 E28086 None   |
02007 E28087 None   |
02008 E28088 None   |
02009 E28089 None   |
0200A E2808A None   |
0200B E2808B None ​ |
0200C E2808C None ‌ |
0200D E2808D None ‍ |
0200E E2808E None ‎ |
0200F E2808F None ‏ |
02010 E28090 815D ‐ |
02011 E28091 None ‑ |
02012 E28092 None ‒ |
02013 E28093 829C – |
02014 E28094 815C — |
02015 E28095 None ― |
02016 E28096 8161 ‖ |
02017 E28097 None ‗ |
02018 E28098 8165 ‘ |
02019 E28099 8166 ’ |
0201A E2809A None ‚ |
0201B E2809B None ‛ |
0201C E2809C 8167 “ |
0201D E2809D 8168 ” |
0201E E2809E None „ |
0201F E2809F None ‟ |
02020 E280A0 81F5 † |
02021 E280A1 81F6 ‡ |
02022 E280A2 825F • |
02023 E280A3 None ‣ |
02024 E280A4 None ․ |
02025 E280A5 8164 ‥ |
02026 E280A6 8163 … |
02027 E280A7 None ‧ |
02028 E280A8 None 
02029 E280A9 None 
0202A E280AA None ‪ |
0202B E280AB None ‫ |
0202C E280AC None ‬ |
0202D E280AD None ‭ |
0202E E280AE None ‮ |
0202F E280AF None   |
02030 E280B0 81F1 ‰ |
02031 E280B1 None ‱ |
02032 E280B2 818C ′ |
02033 E280B3 818D ″ |
02034 E280B4 None ‴ |
02035 E280B5 None ‵ |
02036 E280B6 None ‶ |
02037 E280B7 None ‷ |
02038 E280B8 None ‸ |
02039 E280B9 None ‹ |
0203A E280BA None › |
0203B E280BB 81A6 ※ |
0203C E280BC 84E9 ‼ |
0203D E280BD None ‽ |
0203E E280BE 007E ‾ |
0203F E280BF 8677 ‿ |
02040 E28180 None ⁀ |
02041 E28181 None ⁁ |
02042 E28182 86FC ⁂ |
02043 E28183 None ⁃ |
02044 E28184 None ⁄ |
02045 E28185 None ⁅ |
02046 E28186 None ⁆ |
02047 E28187 84EA ⁇ |
02048 E28188 84EB ⁈ |
02049 E28189 84EC ⁉ |
0204A E2818A None ⁊ |
0204B E2818B None ⁋ |
0204C E2818C None ⁌ |
0204D E2818D None ⁍ |
0204E E2818E None ⁎ |
0204F E2818F None ⁏ |
02050 E28190 None ⁐ |
02051 E28191 86FB ⁑ |
02052 E28192 None ⁒ |
02053 E28193 None ⁓ |
02054 E28194 None ⁔ |
02055 E28195 None ⁕ |
02056 E28196 None ⁖ |
02057 E28197 None ⁗ |
02058 E28198 None ⁘ |
02059 E28199 None ⁙ |
0205A E2819A None ⁚ |
0205B E2819B None ⁛ |
0205C E2819C None ⁜ |
0205D E2819D None ⁝ |
0205E E2819E None ⁞ |
0205F E2819F None   |
02060 E281A0 None ⁠ |
02061 E281A1 None ⁡ |
02062 E281A2 None ⁢ |
02063 E281A3 None ⁣ |
02064 E281A4 None ⁤ |
02065 E281A5 None ⁥ |
02066 E281A6 None ⁦ |
02067 E281A7 None ⁧ |
02068 E281A8 None ⁨ |
02069 E281A9 None ⁩ |
0206A E281AA None  |
0206B E281AB None  |
0206C E281AC None  |
0206D E281AD None  |
0206E E281AE None  |
0206F E281AF None  |
02070 E281B0 None ⁰ |
02071 E281B1 None ⁱ |
02072 E281B2 None ⁲ |
02073 E281B3 None ⁳ |
02074 E281B4 None ⁴ |
02075 E281B5 None ⁵ |
02076 E281B6 None ⁶ |
02077 E281B7 None ⁷ |
02078 E281B8 None ⁸ |
02079 E281B9 None ⁹ |
0207A E281BA None ⁺ |
0207B E281BB None ⁻ |
0207C E281BC None ⁼ |
0207D E281BD None ⁽ |
0207E E281BE None ⁾ |
0207F E281BF None ⁿ |
02080 E28280 None ₀ |
02081 E28281 None ₁ |
02082 E28282 None ₂ |
02083 E28283 None ₃ |
02084 E28284 None ₄ |
02085 E28285 None ₅ |
02086 E28286 None ₆ |
02087 E28287 None ₇ |
02088 E28288 None ₈ |
02089 E28289 None ₉ |
0208A E2828A None ₊ |
0208B E2828B None ₋ |
0208C E2828C None ₌ |
0208D E2828D None ₍ |
0208E E2828E None ₎ |
0208F E2828F None ₏ |
02090 E28290 None ₐ |
02091 E28291 None ₑ |
02092 E28292 None ₒ |
02093 E28293 None ₓ |
02094 E28294 None ₔ |
02095 E28295 None ₕ |
02096 E28296 None ₖ |
02097 E28297 None ₗ |
02098 E28298 None ₘ |
02099 E28299 None ₙ |
0209A E2829A None ₚ |
0209B E2829B None ₛ |
0209C E2829C None ₜ |
0209D E2829D None ₝ |
0209E E2829E None ₞ |
0209F E2829F None ₟ |
020A0 E282A0 None ₠ |
020A1 E282A1 None ₡ |
020A2 E282A2 None ₢ |
020A3 E282A3 None ₣ |
020A4 E282A4 None ₤ |
020A5 E282A5 None ₥ |
020A6 E282A6 None ₦ |
020A7 E282A7 None ₧ |
020A8 E282A8 None ₨ |
020A9 E282A9 None ₩ |
020AA E282AA None ₪ |
020AB E282AB None ₫ |
020AC E282AC 8540 € |
020AD E282AD None ₭ |
020AE E282AE None ₮ |
020AF E282AF None ₯ |
020B0 E282B0 None ₰ |
020B1 E282B1 None ₱ |
020B2 E282B2 None ₲ |
020B3 E282B3 None ₳ |
020B4 E282B4 None ₴ |
020B5 E282B5 None ₵ |
020B6 E282B6 None ₶ |
020B7 E282B7 None ₷ |
020B8 E282B8 None ₸ |
020B9 E282B9 None ₹ |
020BA E282BA None ₺ |
020BB E282BB None ₻ |
020BC E282BC None ₼ |
020BD E282BD None ₽ |
020BE E282BE None ₾ |
020BF E282BF None ₿ |
020C0 E28380 None ⃀ |
020C1 E28381 None ⃁ |
020C2 E28382 None ⃂ |
020C3 E28383 None ⃃ |
020C4 E28384 None ⃄ |
020C5 E28385 None ⃅ |
020C6 E28386 None ⃆ |
020C7 E28387 None ⃇ |
020C8 E28388 None ⃈ |
020C9 E28389 None ⃉ |
020CA E2838A None ⃊ |
020CB E2838B None ⃋ |
020CC E2838C None ⃌ |
020CD E2838D None ⃍ |
020CE E2838E None ⃎ |
020CF E2838F None ⃏ |
020D0 E28390 None ⃐ |
020D1 E28391 None ⃑ |
020D2 E28392 None ⃒ |
020D3 E28393 None ⃓ |
020D4 E28394 None ⃔ |
020D5 E28395 None ⃕ |
020D6 E28396 None ⃖ |
020D7 E28397 None ⃗ |
020D8 E28398 None ⃘ |
020D9 E28399 None ⃙ |
020DA E2839A None ⃚ |
020DB E2839B None ⃛ |
020DC E2839C None ⃜ |
020DD E2839D None ⃝ |
020DE E2839E None ⃞ |
020DF E2839F None ⃟ |
020E0 E283A0 None ⃠ |
020E1 E283A1 None ⃡ |
020E2 E283A2 None ⃢ |
020E3 E283A3 None ⃣ |
020E4 E283A4 None ⃤ |
020E5 E283A5 None ⃥ |
020E6 E283A6 None ⃦ |
020E7 E283A7 None ⃧ |
020E8 E283A8 None ⃨ |
020E9 E283A9 None ⃩ |
020EA E283AA None ⃪ |
020EB E283AB None ⃫ |
020EC E283AC None ⃬ |
020ED E283AD None ⃭ |
020EE E283AE None ⃮ |
020EF E283AF None ⃯ |
020F0 E283B0 None ⃰ |
020F1 E283B1 None ⃱ |
020F2 E283B2 None ⃲ |
020F3 E283B3 None ⃳ |
020F4 E283B4 None ⃴ |
020F5 E283B5 None ⃵ |
020F6 E283B6 None ⃶ |
020F7 E283B7 None ⃷ |
020F8 E283B8 None ⃸ |
020F9 E283B9 None ⃹ |
020FA E283BA None ⃺ |
020FB E283BB None ⃻ |
020FC E283BC None ⃼ |
020FD E283BD None ⃽ |
020FE E283BE None ⃾ |
020FF E283BF None ⃿ |
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Block Nav: |
(c)2005, Brett Baugh - but it's open source. (Brief Description | Source Code Distribution)