Bopomofo Letter B |
Bopomofo Letter P |
Bopomofo Letter M |
Bopomofo Letter F |
Bopomofo Letter D |
Bopomofo Letter T |
Bopomofo Letter N |
Bopomofo Letter L |
Bopomofo Letter G |
Bopomofo Letter K |
Bopomofo Letter H |
Bopomofo Letter J |
Bopomofo Letter Q |
Bopomofo Letter X |
Bopomofo Letter Zh |
Bopomofo Letter Ch |
Bopomofo Letter Sh |
Bopomofo Letter R |
Bopomofo Letter Z |
Bopomofo Letter C |
Bopomofo Letter S |
Bopomofo Letter A |
Bopomofo Letter O |
Bopomofo Letter E |
Bopomofo Letter Eh |
Bopomofo Letter Ai |
Bopomofo Letter Ei |
Bopomofo Letter Au |
Bopomofo Letter Ou |
Bopomofo Letter An |
Bopomofo Letter En |
Bopomofo Letter Ang |
Bopomofo Letter Eng |
Bopomofo Letter Er |
Bopomofo Letter I |
Bopomofo Letter U |
Bopomofo Letter Iu |
Bopomofo Letter V |
Bopomofo Letter Ng |
Bopomofo Letter Gn |
Bopomofo Letter Ih |
Bopomofo Letter O With Dot Above |
Bopomofo Letter Nn |
Hangul Letter Kiyeok |
Hangul Letter Ssangkiyeok |
Hangul Letter Kiyeok-sios |
Hangul Letter Nieun |
Hangul Letter Nieun-cieuc |
Hangul Letter Nieun-hieuh |
Hangul Letter Tikeut |
Hangul Letter Ssangtikeut |
Hangul Letter Rieul |
Hangul Letter Rieul-kiyeok |
Hangul Letter Rieul-mieum |
Hangul Letter Rieul-pieup |
Hangul Letter Rieul-sios |
Hangul Letter Rieul-thieuth |
Hangul Letter Rieul-phieuph |
Hangul Letter Rieul-hieuh |
Hangul Letter Mieum |
Hangul Letter Pieup |
Hangul Letter Ssangpieup |
Hangul Letter Pieup-sios |
Hangul Letter Sios |
Hangul Letter Ssangsios |
Hangul Letter Ieung |
Hangul Letter Cieuc |
Hangul Letter Ssangcieuc |
Hangul Letter Chieuch |
Hangul Letter Khieukh |
Hangul Letter Thieuth |
Hangul Letter Phieuph |
Hangul Letter Hieuh |
Hangul Letter A |
Hangul Letter Ae |
Hangul Letter Ya |
Hangul Letter Yae |
Hangul Letter Eo |
Hangul Letter E |
Hangul Letter Yeo |
Hangul Letter Ye |
Hangul Letter O |
Hangul Letter Wa |
Hangul Letter Wae |
Hangul Letter Oe |
Hangul Letter Yo |
Hangul Letter U |
Hangul Letter Weo |
Hangul Letter We |
Hangul Letter Wi |
Hangul Letter Yu |
Hangul Letter Eu |
Hangul Letter Yi |
Hangul Letter I |
Hangul Filler |
Hangul Letter Ssangnieun |
Hangul Letter Nieun-tikeut |
Hangul Letter Nieun-sios |
Hangul Letter Nieun-pansios |
Hangul Letter Rieul-kiyeok-sios |
Hangul Letter Rieul-tikeut |
Hangul Letter Rieul-pieup-sios |
Hangul Letter Rieul-pansios |
Hangul Letter Rieul-yeorinhieuh |
Hangul Letter Mieum-pieup |
Hangul Letter Mieum-sios |
Hangul Letter Mieum-pansios |
Hangul Letter Kapyeounmieum |
Hangul Letter Pieup-kiyeok |
Hangul Letter Pieup-tikeut |
Hangul Letter Pieup-sios-kiyeok |
Hangul Letter Pieup-sios-tikeut |
Hangul Letter Pieup-cieuc |
Hangul Letter Pieup-thieuth |
Hangul Letter Kapyeounpieup |
Hangul Letter Kapyeounssangpieup |
Hangul Letter Sios-kiyeok |
Hangul Letter Sios-nieun |
Hangul Letter Sios-tikeut |
Hangul Letter Sios-pieup |
Hangul Letter Sios-cieuc |
Hangul Letter Pansios |
Hangul Letter Ssangieung |
Hangul Letter Yesieung |
Hangul Letter Yesieung-sios |
Hangul Letter Yesieung-pansios |
Hangul Letter Kapyeounphieuph |
Hangul Letter Ssanghieuh |
Hangul Letter Yeorinhieuh |
Hangul Letter Yo-ya |
Hangul Letter Yo-yae |
Hangul Letter Yo-i |
Hangul Letter Yu-yeo |
Hangul Letter Yu-ye |
Hangul Letter Yu-i |
Hangul Letter Araea |
Hangul Letter Araeae |
Ideographic Annotation Linking Mark |
Ideographic Annotation Reverse Mark |
Ideographic Annotation One Mark |
Ideographic Annotation Two Mark |
Ideographic Annotation Three Mark |
Ideographic Annotation Four Mark |
Ideographic Annotation Top Mark |
Ideographic Annotation Middle Mark |
Ideographic Annotation Bottom Mark |
Ideographic Annotation First Mark |
Ideographic Annotation Second Mark |
Ideographic Annotation Third Mark |
Ideographic Annotation Fourth Mark |
Ideographic Annotation Heaven Mark |
Ideographic Annotation Earth Mark |
Ideographic Annotation Man Mark |
Bopomofo Letter Bu |
Bopomofo Letter Zi |
Bopomofo Letter Ji |
Bopomofo Letter Gu |
Bopomofo Letter Ee |
Bopomofo Letter Enn |
Bopomofo Letter Oo |
Bopomofo Letter Onn |
Bopomofo Letter Ir |
Bopomofo Letter Ann |
Bopomofo Letter Inn |
Bopomofo Letter Unn |
Bopomofo Letter Im |
Bopomofo Letter Ngg |
Bopomofo Letter Ainn |
Bopomofo Letter Aunn |
Bopomofo Letter Am |
Bopomofo Letter Om |
Bopomofo Letter Ong |
Bopomofo Letter Innn |
Bopomofo Final Letter P |
Bopomofo Final Letter T |
Bopomofo Final Letter K |
Bopomofo Final Letter H |
Bopomofo Letter Gh |
Bopomofo Letter Lh |
Bopomofo Letter Zy |
Bopomofo Final Letter G |
Bopomofo Letter Gw |
Bopomofo Letter Kw |
Bopomofo Letter Oe |
Bopomofo Letter Ah |
Cjk Stroke T |
Cjk Stroke Wg |
Cjk Stroke Xg |
Cjk Stroke Bxg |
Cjk Stroke Sw |
Cjk Stroke Hzz |
Cjk Stroke Hzg |
Cjk Stroke Hp |
Cjk Stroke Hzwg |
Cjk Stroke Szwg |
Cjk Stroke Hzt |
Cjk Stroke Hzzp |
Cjk Stroke Hpwg |
Cjk Stroke Hzw |
Cjk Stroke Hzzz |
Cjk Stroke N |
Cjk Stroke H |
Cjk Stroke S |
Cjk Stroke P |
Cjk Stroke Sp |
Cjk Stroke D |
Cjk Stroke Hz |
Cjk Stroke Hg |
Cjk Stroke Sz |
Cjk Stroke Swz |
Cjk Stroke St |
Cjk Stroke Sg |
Cjk Stroke Pd |
Cjk Stroke Pz |
Cjk Stroke Tn |
Cjk Stroke Szz |
Cjk Stroke Swg |
Cjk Stroke Hxwg |
Cjk Stroke Hzzzg |
Cjk Stroke Pg |
Cjk Stroke Q |
Cjk Stroke Hxg |
Cjk Stroke Szp |
Ideographic Description Character Subtraction |
Katakana Letter Small Ku |
Katakana Letter Small Si |
Katakana Letter Small Su |
Katakana Letter Small To |
Katakana Letter Small Nu |
Katakana Letter Small Ha |
Katakana Letter Small Hi |
Katakana Letter Small Hu |
Katakana Letter Small He |
Katakana Letter Small Ho |
Katakana Letter Small Mu |
Katakana Letter Small Ra |
Katakana Letter Small Ri |
Katakana Letter Small Ru |
Katakana Letter Small Re |
Katakana Letter Small Ro |
Codepoint (hexadecimal) コードポイント 【16進法】 Punto de código (hexadecimal) Kennzahlpunkt (hexadezimal) Point de code (hexadécimal) Punto di codice (esadecimale) Σημείο κώδικα (δεκαεξαδικό) (16 진법) 코드 포인트 Пункт Кодего (шестнадцатеричный) (Het hexadecimale) Punt van de code 碼點 (十六進制) mã điểm (thập lục phân) |
Codepoint (decimal) コードポイント 【デシマル】 Punto de código (decimal) Kennzahlpunkt (dezimal) Point de code (décimal) Punto di codice (decimale) Σημείο κώδικα (δεκαδικός) (십진법) 코드 포인트 Пункт Кодего (десятично) (decimaal) Punt van de code 碼點 (小數) mã điểm (thập phân) |
Shift-JIS (hexadecimal) シフト-JIS 【16進法】 S-JIS (hexadecimal) S-JIS (hexadezimal) S-JIS (hexadécimal) S-JIS (esadecimale) S-JIS (δεκαεξαδικό) (16 진법) S-JIS S-JIS (шестнадцатеричный) (Het hexadecimale) S-JIS S-JIS (十六進制) Shift-JIS (thập lục phân) |
UTF8 (hexadecimal) UTF8 【16進法】 UTF8 (hexadecimal) UTF8 (hexadezimal) UTF8 (hexadécimal) UTF8 (esadecimale) UTF8 (δεκαεξαδικό) (16 진법) UTF8 UTF8 (шестнадцатеричный) (Het hexadecimale) UTF8 UTF8 (十六進制) UTF8 (thập lục phân) |
UTF8 Character String UTF8 ストリング UTF8 Caracteres UTF8 Buchstaben UTF8 Caractères UTF8 Caratteri UTF8 Χαρακτήρες UTF8 특성 UTF8 Характеры UTF8 Karakters UTF8 字符 UTF8 một chuỗi nhân vật |
Description (English) 英説明 Descripción (Inglés) Beschreibung (Englisch) Description (Anglais) Descrizione (Inglese) Περιγραφή (Αγγλικά) (영어) 묘사 Описание (Английско) (Engels) Beschrijving 描述 (英語) sự mô tả (tiếng Anh) |
Definition (English) 英定義 Definición (Inglés) Definition (Englisch) Définition (Anglais) Definizione (Inglese) Καθορισμός (Αγγλικά) (영어) 정의 Определение (Английско) (Engels) Definitie 定義 (英語) định nghĩa (tiếng Anh) |
Pronunciation (English) 英発音 Pronunciación (Inglés) Aussprache (Englisch) Prononciation (Anglais) Pronuncia (Inglese) Προφορά (Αγγλικά) (영어) 발음 Выговор (Английско) (Engels) Uitspraak 發音 (英語) phát âm (tiếng Anh) |
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Glyph Entry Key: "Top-level" is the first Hex digit of the desired chunk. "Next-level" is the second Hex digit. "Last-level" is the third. Put "00" after that and you have the starting point in Hex; e.g.: 1C800 through 1C8FF if Top, Next, and Last are 1, C, and 8. Characters in RED have been combined with another character because they're combining forms. |
Unicode Hex UTF-8 Hex Shift-JIS Hex Decimal Code X |
Top-level: |
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Next-level: |
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Last-level: |
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Block Nav: |
Character block(s) on this page:
Bopomofo (0x03100-0x0312F) Hangul Compatibility Jamo (0x03130-0x0318F) Kanbun (0x03190-0x0319F) Bopomofo Extended (0x031A0-0x031BF) CJK Strokes (0x031C0-0x031EF) Katakana Phonetic Extensions (0x031F0-0x031FF)
Click on a character to copy it to the Unisearch Clipboard.
Click a character's Hex Codepoint (top row) to see its details.
Printer-Friendly Version
03100 E38480 None ㄀ |
03101 E38481 None ㄁ |
03102 E38482 None ㄂ |
03103 E38483 None ㄃ |
03104 E38484 None ㄄ |
03105 E38485 None ㄅ |
03106 E38486 None ㄆ |
03107 E38487 None ㄇ |
03108 E38488 None ㄈ |
03109 E38489 None ㄉ |
0310A E3848A None ㄊ |
0310B E3848B None ㄋ |
0310C E3848C None ㄌ |
0310D E3848D None ㄍ |
0310E E3848E None ㄎ |
0310F E3848F None ㄏ |
03110 E38490 None ㄐ |
03111 E38491 None ㄑ |
03112 E38492 None ㄒ |
03113 E38493 None ㄓ |
03114 E38494 None ㄔ |
03115 E38495 None ㄕ |
03116 E38496 None ㄖ |
03117 E38497 None ㄗ |
03118 E38498 None ㄘ |
03119 E38499 None ㄙ |
0311A E3849A None ㄚ |
0311B E3849B None ㄛ |
0311C E3849C None ㄜ |
0311D E3849D None ㄝ |
0311E E3849E None ㄞ |
0311F E3849F None ㄟ |
03120 E384A0 None ㄠ |
03121 E384A1 None ㄡ |
03122 E384A2 None ㄢ |
03123 E384A3 None ㄣ |
03124 E384A4 None ㄤ |
03125 E384A5 None ㄥ |
03126 E384A6 None ㄦ |
03127 E384A7 None ㄧ |
03128 E384A8 None ㄨ |
03129 E384A9 None ㄩ |
0312A E384AA None ㄪ |
0312B E384AB None ㄫ |
0312C E384AC None ㄬ |
0312D E384AD None ㄭ |
0312E E384AE None ㄮ |
0312F E384AF None ㄯ |
03130 E384B0 None ㄰ |
03131 E384B1 None ㄱ |
03132 E384B2 None ㄲ |
03133 E384B3 None ㄳ |
03134 E384B4 None ㄴ |
03135 E384B5 None ㄵ |
03136 E384B6 None ㄶ |
03137 E384B7 None ㄷ |
03138 E384B8 None ㄸ |
03139 E384B9 None ㄹ |
0313A E384BA None ㄺ |
0313B E384BB None ㄻ |
0313C E384BC None ㄼ |
0313D E384BD None ㄽ |
0313E E384BE None ㄾ |
0313F E384BF None ㄿ |
03140 E38580 None ㅀ |
03141 E38581 None ㅁ |
03142 E38582 None ㅂ |
03143 E38583 None ㅃ |
03144 E38584 None ㅄ |
03145 E38585 None ㅅ |
03146 E38586 None ㅆ |
03147 E38587 None ㅇ |
03148 E38588 None ㅈ |
03149 E38589 None ㅉ |
0314A E3858A None ㅊ |
0314B E3858B None ㅋ |
0314C E3858C None ㅌ |
0314D E3858D None ㅍ |
0314E E3858E None ㅎ |
0314F E3858F None ㅏ |
03150 E38590 None ㅐ |
03151 E38591 None ㅑ |
03152 E38592 None ㅒ |
03153 E38593 None ㅓ |
03154 E38594 None ㅔ |
03155 E38595 None ㅕ |
03156 E38596 None ㅖ |
03157 E38597 None ㅗ |
03158 E38598 None ㅘ |
03159 E38599 None ㅙ |
0315A E3859A None ㅚ |
0315B E3859B None ㅛ |
0315C E3859C None ㅜ |
0315D E3859D None ㅝ |
0315E E3859E None ㅞ |
0315F E3859F None ㅟ |
03160 E385A0 None ㅠ |
03161 E385A1 None ㅡ |
03162 E385A2 None ㅢ |
03163 E385A3 None ㅣ |
03164 E385A4 None ㅤ |
03165 E385A5 None ㅥ |
03166 E385A6 None ㅦ |
03167 E385A7 None ㅧ |
03168 E385A8 None ㅨ |
03169 E385A9 None ㅩ |
0316A E385AA None ㅪ |
0316B E385AB None ㅫ |
0316C E385AC None ㅬ |
0316D E385AD None ㅭ |
0316E E385AE None ㅮ |
0316F E385AF None ㅯ |
03170 E385B0 None ㅰ |
03171 E385B1 None ㅱ |
03172 E385B2 None ㅲ |
03173 E385B3 None ㅳ |
03174 E385B4 None ㅴ |
03175 E385B5 None ㅵ |
03176 E385B6 None ㅶ |
03177 E385B7 None ㅷ |
03178 E385B8 None ㅸ |
03179 E385B9 None ㅹ |
0317A E385BA None ㅺ |
0317B E385BB None ㅻ |
0317C E385BC None ㅼ |
0317D E385BD None ㅽ |
0317E E385BE None ㅾ |
0317F E385BF None ㅿ |
03180 E38680 None ㆀ |
03181 E38681 None ㆁ |
03182 E38682 None ㆂ |
03183 E38683 None ㆃ |
03184 E38684 None ㆄ |
03185 E38685 None ㆅ |
03186 E38686 None ㆆ |
03187 E38687 None ㆇ |
03188 E38688 None ㆈ |
03189 E38689 None ㆉ |
0318A E3868A None ㆊ |
0318B E3868B None ㆋ |
0318C E3868C None ㆌ |
0318D E3868D None ㆍ |
0318E E3868E None ㆎ |
0318F E3868F None ㆏ |
03190 E38690 None ㆐ |
03191 E38691 None ㆑ |
03192 E38692 None ㆒ |
03193 E38693 None ㆓ |
03194 E38694 None ㆔ |
03195 E38695 None ㆕ |
03196 E38696 None ㆖ |
03197 E38697 None ㆗ |
03198 E38698 None ㆘ |
03199 E38699 None ㆙ |
0319A E3869A None ㆚ |
0319B E3869B None ㆛ |
0319C E3869C None ㆜ |
0319D E3869D None ㆝ |
0319E E3869E None ㆞ |
0319F E3869F None ㆟ |
031A0 E386A0 None ㆠ |
031A1 E386A1 None ㆡ |
031A2 E386A2 None ㆢ |
031A3 E386A3 None ㆣ |
031A4 E386A4 None ㆤ |
031A5 E386A5 None ㆥ |
031A6 E386A6 None ㆦ |
031A7 E386A7 None ㆧ |
031A8 E386A8 None ㆨ |
031A9 E386A9 None ㆩ |
031AA E386AA None ㆪ |
031AB E386AB None ㆫ |
031AC E386AC None ㆬ |
031AD E386AD None ㆭ |
031AE E386AE None ㆮ |
031AF E386AF None ㆯ |
031B0 E386B0 None ㆰ |
031B1 E386B1 None ㆱ |
031B2 E386B2 None ㆲ |
031B3 E386B3 None ㆳ |
031B4 E386B4 None ㆴ |
031B5 E386B5 None ㆵ |
031B6 E386B6 None ㆶ |
031B7 E386B7 None ㆷ |
031B8 E386B8 None ㆸ |
031B9 E386B9 None ㆹ |
031BA E386BA None ㆺ |
031BB E386BB None ㆻ |
031BC E386BC None ㆼ |
031BD E386BD None ㆽ |
031BE E386BE None ㆾ |
031BF E386BF None ㆿ |
031C0 E38780 None ㇀ |
031C1 E38781 None ㇁ |
031C2 E38782 None ㇂ |
031C3 E38783 None ㇃ |
031C4 E38784 None ㇄ |
031C5 E38785 None ㇅ |
031C6 E38786 None ㇆ |
031C7 E38787 None ㇇ |
031C8 E38788 None ㇈ |
031C9 E38789 None ㇉ |
031CA E3878A None ㇊ |
031CB E3878B None ㇋ |
031CC E3878C None ㇌ |
031CD E3878D None ㇍ |
031CE E3878E None ㇎ |
031CF E3878F None ㇏ |
031D0 E38790 None ㇐ |
031D1 E38791 None ㇑ |
031D2 E38792 None ㇒ |
031D3 E38793 None ㇓ |
031D4 E38794 None ㇔ |
031D5 E38795 None ㇕ |
031D6 E38796 None ㇖ |
031D7 E38797 None ㇗ |
031D8 E38798 None ㇘ |
031D9 E38799 None ㇙ |
031DA E3879A None ㇚ |
031DB E3879B None ㇛ |
031DC E3879C None ㇜ |
031DD E3879D None ㇝ |
031DE E3879E None ㇞ |
031DF E3879F None ㇟ |
031E0 E387A0 None ㇠ |
031E1 E387A1 None ㇡ |
031E2 E387A2 None ㇢ |
031E3 E387A3 None ㇣ |
031E4 E387A4 None ㇤ |
031E5 E387A5 None ㇥ |
031E6 E387A6 None ㇦ |
031E7 E387A7 None ㇧ |
031E8 E387A8 None ㇨ |
031E9 E387A9 None ㇩ |
031EA E387AA None ㇪ |
031EB E387AB None ㇫ |
031EC E387AC None ㇬ |
031ED E387AD None ㇭ |
031EE E387AE None ㇮ |
031EF E387AF None ㇯ |
031F0 E387B0 83EC ㇰ |
031F1 E387B1 83ED ㇱ |
031F2 E387B2 83EE ㇲ |
031F3 E387B3 83EF ㇳ |
031F4 E387B4 83F0 ㇴ |
031F5 E387B5 83F1 ㇵ |
031F6 E387B6 83F2 ㇶ |
031F7 E387B7 83F3 ㇷ |
031F8 E387B8 83F4 ㇸ |
031F9 E387B9 83F5 ㇹ |
031FA E387BA 83F7 ㇺ |
031FB E387BB 83F8 ㇻ |
031FC E387BC 83F9 ㇼ |
031FD E387BD 83FA ㇽ |
031FE E387BE 83FB ㇾ |
031FF E387BF 83FC ㇿ |
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Block Nav: |
(c)2005, Brett Baugh - but it's open source. (Brief Description | Source Code Distribution)