GoogleEarth™ is a lovely tool that I got hooked on recently, and then while watching that "SuperVolcano" movie about Yellowstone blowing up, and seeing that big fancy computer of theirs that did all those neat 3D maps and such, it occurred to me I could mix my little quake database here with GoogleEarth™. So I did, and it's probably the only good thing that's ever come out of that movie. There are two ways you can use it.
First, you can insert a "Network Link" into your MyPlaces™ folder that shows you all the same quakes you get if
you just go to "quakes.php" on here without any parameters. Just right-click "My Places™", hit "Add" and "Network
Link", give it whatever title you want, and for the URL, enter this:
I also have a KML file premade to do all that mostly for you; just left-click this to open it
right up, or right-click and "save as" and open it from the G.E.™ client itself, whatever you wanna do. It's got
just the network link in it.
Second method, you can get any quake report using the usual form, and just above the form option settings, right next to "URL for this report", you'll see a "GoogleEarth™" link which will export the current report into a KML file and send it to you.
Whichever way you use it, you'll find four items in it:
Earthquake hypocenters, by the way, are accurate to four decimal places, which is 36.5 feet latitudinally and 26 feet longitudinally (at Yellowstone's latitude). That should be more than close enough; it's closer than they can even measure them, in fact.
So anyway, that's that. Pretty simple and easy to use; it was even easy to write. I hope you like it, but it doesn't matter if you don't because I do. Nyah.
Update: I've just added a 3-D quake map that floats in the air over the park. I like it a lot. It needs a little tweaking, but it's very usable as it is. Try turning off the "Ground Plane" element if it looks like there's nothing there; it hides things under it even though it's transparent. Go figure. But I wanted you to know that that plane is the level of the ground, and all the quakes happen at some depth under it. True 3-D. If only it was accurate... It's in the usual GoogleEarth™ link on all reports, and I recommend you sort the quakes by DEPTH before you click on it... hint, hint. Another hint: what you see there now is just my first draft. It will improve over time, unless something like decapitation prevents me from working on it. I'm in love with it, mostly because I've never seen anything like it anywhere on any earthquake site in the world, ever. Do you have any idea how long I've wished I could build an app that does 3-D earthquake maps, simply because apparently, nobody else ever has?? My God. You just don't know.
And so help me, if I see any patents for "Method and Apparatus for Displaying Below-Ground Point-Source Data using GoogleEarth™ by Projection of the Data to a level where they are all Above Ground, thus Banishing its Evil Curse on the world's Seismologists," I'll sue. Heh.