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B206: Borehole B206, Yellowstone Park, WY
B208: Borehole B208, Lake, Yellowstone Park, WY
B944: Borehole B944, Grant, Yellowstone Park, WY
B945: Borehole B945, Yellowstone Park, WY
B950: Borehole B950, Norris, Yellowstone Park, WY
FLWY: Flagg Ranch, WY
H17A: Grant Village, Yellowstone Park, WY
LKWY: Lake, Yellowstone Park, WY
MCID: Moose Creek, ID
YDC: Denny Creek, ID
YDD: Grant Village, YNP
YEE: East Entrance, Yellowstone Park, WY
YFT: Old Faithful, Yellowstone Park, WY
YGC: Grayling Creek
YHB: Horse Butte, ID
YHH: Holmes Hill, Yellowstone Park, WY
YHL: Hebgen Lake, ID
YHR: Hawks Rest, Yellowstone Park, WY
YJC: Joseph's Coat, Yellowstone Park, WY
YLA: Lake Butte, Yellowstone Park, WY
YLT: Little West Thumb, Yellowstone Park, WY
YMC: Maple Creek, Yellowstone Park, WY
YML: Mary Lake, Yellowstone Park, WY
YMP: Mirror Lake Plateau, Yellowstone Park, WY
YMR: Madison River, Yellowstone Park, WY
YMS: Mt Sheridan, Yellowstone Park, WY
YMV: Mammoth Vault, Yellowstone Park, WY
YNE: NE Entrance, Yellowstone Park, MT
YNM: Norris Museum, Yellowstone Park, WY
YNR: Norris Junction, Yellowstone Park, WY
YPC: Pelican Cone, Yellowstone Park, WY
YPK: Parker Peak, Yellowstone Park, WY
YPM: Purple Mountain, Yellowstone Park, WY
YPP: Pitchstone Plateau, Yellowstone Park, WY
YSB: Soda Butte, Yellowstone Park, WY
YTP: The Promontory, Yellowstone Park, WY
YUF: Upper Falls, Yellowstone Park, WY
YWB: West Boundary, Yellowstone Park, ID